
MRP(incl. of all taxes):

From 125.00 INR

Manage renal disorders & urinary tract infections with ADVEN’s Stonull Syrup.
• It helps relieve pain in small of back with nausea.
• Aids in occurrence of turbidity, blood or sediments in urine.
• Helps in the management of incontinence of urine with cramps in the ureters.
• Manages irregular blood pressure or water-electrolyte imbalance.
• It is helpful in relieving pain or burning in the urine due to spike crystals of uric acid.


  Products are usually delivered in 2-4 days.


Stonull Syrup is an excellent combination of medicines working effectively to correct the functioning of kidneys, ureter or urethra and symptoms arising due to hardened deposits of minerals or salts in the kidneys. The symptoms could be irregular blood pressure, swelling or water retention especially in the arms or legs, cramps, pain or burning before, during or after urination, irritation of the bladder, constant painful urge to urinate, sensation as if some urine remained after urinating, urine flows drop by drop & pains in the small of back with nausea.

A person with kidney dysfunction or crystallised deposits inside the kidneys may experience the following symptoms:
• Irregular blood pressure or water-electrolyte imbalance
• Cramps in ureters
• Spike crystals of uric acid in urine
• Turbid, thick, purulent, bloody, brick-dust red or yellow sediment in urine
• Pain or burning before, during or after urination
• Persistent need to urinate, urinating more than usual or urinating in small amounts
• Urine flows drop by drop
• Cutting pain in urethra while urinating
• Urinary incontinence
• Pain in the small of back, with nausea
• Radiating pains, shooting outwards or all over
• Pain in region of kidneys radiates to bladder
• Swelling in the arms, hands, legs or feet with fatigue
• Raised body temperature or chills as the cause of an infection
• Raised body temperature or chills as the cause of an infection


Berberis vulgaris Q : Sore, inflamed, sensitive kidney, one or both. And then, the formation of little calculi in the pelvis of the kidney, little stones like pinheads; and every now and then one of them takes a start down the ureter to the bladder. Then it is that the pains in the kidneys radiate in every direction. Pains run up into the kidney, and down into the bladder. Catarrhal conditions of the bladder. Sensation as if some urine remained after urinating. Bubbling, sore sensation in kidneys. Frequent urination. Urine dark yellow, red, becoming turbid, copious; mucous sediment, or transparent, jelly-like or reddish, bran-like sediment. Urine slimy when passed, depositing copious loamy yellowish sediment. Greenish urine depositing mucus. Haematuria. During urination burning in urethra, or bladder, pressure in bladder, cutting, burning, or stitches in urethra. Increased secretion of urine, which is as clear as water. Irregularities of the urine. Excessive deposits of uric acid and urates.
Sarsaparilla Q : Urine scanty, slimy, flaky, sandy, bloody. Gravel. Renal colic. Severe pain at conclusion of urination. Bladder distended and tender. Child screams before and while passing urine. Sand on diaper, yellowish or whitish like chalk. Renal colic and dysuria in infants. Pain from right kidney downward. Tenesmus of bladder; urine passes in thin, feeble stream. Involuntary urination of children at night in bed, in feeble children. Copious urine at night; he floods the bed, but during the day he can pass it only when standing. Each time she makes water, air passes out of the urethra with a gurgling noise. This medicine has many times dissolved a stone in the bladder; it so changes the character of the urine that it is no longer possible for the stone to build up, and it grows smaller by the continual dissolving off from the surface.
Ocimum canum Q : Is to be remembered in diseases of the kidneys, bladder and urethra. Uric acid diathesis. Renal colic, especially right side, with haematuria & violent vomiting every fifteen minutes. Symptoms of renal calculus are pronounced. Turbid, thick, purulent, bloody; brick-dust red or yellow sediment. Odor of musk. Pain in ureters. Cramps in kidneys. Albuminuria. Urine of a saffron colour. Burning during micturition. Frequent micturition; urine sometimes depositing clots.
Hydrangea arborescens Q : A remedy for gravel, profuse deposit of white amorphous salts in urine. Calculus, renal colic, with soreness over region of kidneys & bloody urine. Acts on ureter. Burning in urethra and frequent desire with quick, sharp, acute pains. Urine hard to start. Heavy deposit of mucus. Sharp pain in loins, especially left. Spasmodic stricture. Diabetes. Incontinence of Urine. Hydrangea has a traditional reputation as a “stone-breaking” remedy. Dribbling of urine, renal catarrh, yellow sand in urine. Cystitis, urethritis & nephritis.
Cantharis Q : Intolerable, constant urging to urinate and tenesmus is most characteristic. Violent paroxysms of cutting and burning in whole renal region. Urine scalds him. Membranous scales looking like bran in water. Urine jelly-like, shreddy, cloudy immediately on passing; containing mucus, pus, blood and casts. Pain in loins. Retention of urine. Urine, pale yellow, or of a deep red colour. Strangury. Can pass only a few drops, like molten lead. Lancinating, stabbing like knives, in neck of bladder. He has urging to pass urine and stool with sexual erethism tantalizing in the extreme. The whole urinary, organs and genitalia are in a state of inflammation, ulceration and gangrene. Drinking even small quantities of water increases pain in the bladder. Cystitis, nephritis and urethritis are the pathological states where Cantharis is most often prescribed. A kind of paralysis of the neck of the bladder; urine is passed without any urging and can hardly be retained.
Dulcamara Q : Affections of bladder. Must urinate when getting chilled. Strangury, painful difficult micturition. Catarrh of bladder from taking cold. Urine clear and viscid, or troubled, turbid and whitish with thick, mucous, purulent sediment. Ischuria from wading with bare feet in cold water. Retention of urine. Scanty and fetid urine. Red, burning urine. Involuntary discharge of urine, as from paralysis of the bladder. Water issuing drop by drop. Thickening of the bladder. Stricture of the urethra. Constant urging to urinate. Urine, difficulty in passing; incontinence of. Cystitis. Nephritis.
Equisetum hyemale Q : Principal action on the bladder. A remedy for enuresis, retention and dysuria. Severe, dull pain and feeling of fullness in bladder, not relieved by urinating. Frequent urging with severe pain at the close of urination and passes large quantities of clear, light-coloured urine without relief. Urine flows only drop by drop. Sharp, burning, cutting pain in urethra while urinating. Incontinence in children, with dreams or night-mares when passing urine. Wets bed at night; when he dreams he always sees a crowd of people. Much mucus in urine. Albuminuria. Deep pain in region of right kidney, extending to lower abdomen. Cystitis. Dropsy. Gravel. Haematuria. Urine high-colored and scanty. A diuretic useful in suppression of urine from any cause. Paralysis of bladder in old women.

Expiry Date

5 Year from date of manufacture


Adults: Approx. 10ml (2 teaspoonfull) thrice daily.
Children: Approx. half of the adult’s dose.
or as directed by the Physician.

MANUFACTURED BY: Adven Biotech Pvt. Ltd. Plot no. 443, Sec-8, IMT Manesar, Gurugram, Haryana – 122051, India

Country of Origin: India


For use of registered medical practitioner and laboratory only.

This information is not intended as medical advice. Patients are strictly advised to consult a Homoeopathic physician before using any Homoeopathic medicine.


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