MRP(incl. of all taxes):
From ₹125.00 INR
• Helpful in removing stress, physical & mental fatigue.
• Helps correct loss of appetite & defective nutrition.
• Helpful in managing anaemia or increased blood sugar levels.
• Best tonic for nervous & anxious people.
• Effective in helping with weight gain & immune function.
Products are usually delivered in 2-4 days.
Adven’s Alfa-G syrup with goodness of ginseng helps remove stress, strain, physical and mental fatigue. It contains alfalfa which is a tonic plant rich in proteins, vitamins and minerals. It has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant activities. It is also helpful in increased weight gain, in the functioning of the liver, management of lipids and improving the liver damage caused by nicotine. Ginseng has been demonstrated to be helpful in unusual proliferation of cells, increased blood sugar levels, circulatory dysfunction, promotion of immune function, central nervous system functions including learning, memory & neurodegenerative diseases, relieving stress and its antioxidant activities. The tonic can be very effective in cases of anaemia, defective nutrition, debility after exhausting diseases or discharges, old age, during convalescence or fractures.
Alfalfa (Medicago sativa) Q: Alfalfa favorably influences nutrition, evidenced in “toning up” the appetite and digestion resulting in greatly improved mental and physical vigor, with gain in weight. Acts as a fat producer, corrects tissue waste. Increases quality and quantity of milk in nursing mothers. Alfalfa is high in protein, calcium, plus other minerals, vitamins in the B group, vitamin C, vitamin E, and vitamin K.
Avena sativa Q: Has a selective action on brain and nervous system, favorably influencing their nutritive function. Nervous exhaustion, sexual debility. Best tonic for debility after exhausting diseases. Nerve tremors of the aged. It is nerve-tonic, stimulant, and antispasmodic
Ginseng Q: Debility. Headache. Thinking difficult.─Memory weak. Painful lassitude of the extremities, superior and inferior Coldness, trembling, and numbness of the hands. Said to be a stimulant to the secretory glands, especially salivary. Great sensitiveness to cold, and tendency to feel bruised all over. Ginseng root (panax ginseng) is used for invigoration and fortification during fatigue and disability as well as for declining capacity for work and concentration. It is also used during convalescence.
Cinchona officinalis Q: Debility from exhausting discharges, from loss of vital fluids, together with a nervous erethism, calls for this remedy.
Hydrastis canadensis Q: “Tonic” in digestive complaints. Weak muscular power, poor digestion and obstinate constipation. particularly active in old, easily tired people, cachectic individuals, with great debility, emaciation, prostration and weak digestion.
Kali phosphoricum 3X: One of the greatest nerve remedies. Prostration. Weak and tired. Want of nerve power, neurasthenia, mental and physical depression. States of adynamia and decay gangrenous conditions.
Kali arsenicosum 4X : Useful in Restlessness, nervousness and anæmia.
Ferrum aceticum 6X : Useful in stubborn anæmia and debility. In children who grow tall rapidly and are so active that they become easily exhausted; they keep thin, weak and pale. Epistaxis.
Calcarea phosphorica 6X: Useful for defective nutrition, as a restorative after acute diseases; aids formation of callus in fractures. Anæmias after acute diseases and chronic wasting diseases.
• Physical & mental fatigue
• Stress, anxiousness & nervousness
• Wasting diseases
• Defective immune function
• Liver dysfunctions
• Bad effects of nicotine
• Dysfunction of the Central Nervous System (CNS)
• Poor learning & memory with neurodegenerative diseases
• Loss of appetite
• Defective nutrition with improper assimilation
• Lipid imbalance
• Unusual proliferation of cells
• Increased blood sugar levels
• Circulatory dysfunction
• Stubborn anaemia with debility
• Debility after exhausting diseases or discharges
• Old age problems
• Fractures
• Slow recovery process
• Improper digestion
• Obstinate constipation
• Poor quality or quantity of milk in nursing women
• Headache, coldness or numbness of hands
Expiry Date
5 Year from date of manufacture
Adults: Approx. 10ml (2 teaspoonful) thrice daily
Children: Approx. 5ml (1 teaspoonful) thrice daily
Or as directed by the Physician.
Country of Origin: India
For use of registered medical practitioner and laboratory only.
This information is not intended as medical advice. Patients are strictly advised to consult a Homoeopathic physician before using any Homoeopathic medicine.
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